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Les Syriens voient les Russes comme des sauveurs, rapporte The Guardian

lundi 5 octobre 2015, par anonyme (Date de rédaction antérieure : 5 octobre 2015).…

05-10-2015 - 17:04

Sputnik (RIA Novosti)

Les Syriens à Tartous et à Lattaquié considèrent les militaires et le président russes comme des sauveurs qui mettront fin à la guerre, lit-on dans le quotidien britannique The Guardian.

Lindsey Hilsum, rédacteur international de Channel 4, affirme que la plupart des habitants locaux se disent prêts à servir le président Bachar el-Assad et qualifient les Russes de "héros", persuadés que l’opération de l’aviation russe mettra fin à la guerre contre le groupe terroriste l’Etat islamique.

"Les Russes sont les héros d’aujourd’hui. Les gens saluent les étrangers qui sont venus chez eux (en Syrie, ndlr) et remercient publiquement le président russe qui, comme ils l’estiment, les sauvera du terrorisme".

Dans le même temps, la plupart des habitants sont convaincus que l’Occident soutient l’EI, souligne l’auteur de l’article.

"Nous voyons que les Russes sont déterminés à défaire Daesh et les terroristes, contrairement aux Américains et leur coalition qui ne semblent pas avoir la même détermination", a déclaré le gouverneur de Tartous, Safwan al-Saada. "Ces dernières années, ils affirmaient qu’ils luttaient contre le terrorisme, mais Daesh se renforçait plus qu’il ne s’affaiblissait. Donc, nous pouvons dire que leur coalition n’est pas sérieuse."

La journaliste fait remarquer que sur les territoires contrôlés par M. Assad, la plupart des habitants se déclarent prêts à servir le chef de l’État. Ils espèrent que la guerre va bientôt finir et que leurs proches et eux-mêmes ne seront plus recrutés dans l’armée.

Actuellement, les habitants de Lattaquié espèrent avec impatience voir la défaite des terroristes, car pour eux les avions russes qui volent au-dessus de leurs têtes marquent le début de la fin de la guerre.

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  • In Assad’s heartland, villagers see Russians as saviours…

    Sunday 4 October 2015 00.02 BST

    Lindsey Hilsum

    Many Syrians in Tartus and Latakia view Vladimir Putin as a loyal friend who will deliver end to war

    The village of Jebleh is a good place for plane-spotters. Last week dozens of Russian fighter-bombers – Sukhoi Su-24s, 25s and 35s – took off from the Bassel al-Assad airbase less than a mile away, roaring through the cloudy autumn skies towards their targets in Syria’s north and east.

    Tupolev transport planes have been landing all week, bringing in men and equipment. Fifty miles to the south, at the port town of Tartus, Russian ships dock, loaded with ammunition and other supplies for Russia’s new campaign to drive back the enemies of the Syrian government. Local people say the coast road is often closed at night so that weaponry can be transported from the Russian naval base to the airport. They have no complaints – no one cares that the Russians said they would target Islamic State (Isis) and then hit other rebel groups. In this area, all enemies of the government are regarded as terrorists.

    The military airfield used by the Russians is named after President Bashar al-Assad’s older brother. Their father, the late President Hafez al-Assad, tipped Bassel as his successor, but his eldest son died in a car crash, leaving Bashar next in line. Hafez and Bassel are buried in a giant, black marble-floored mausoleum a few miles further up the hill.

    Portraits of Hafez, seen in this part of Syria as the patriarch not just of the family but of the country, are everywhere in the coastal regions of Latakia and Tartus, the heartland of the regime’s support, and of their minority Alawite sect.

    Here, people see the Russians as loyal friends who have supported the Assad dynasty for 45 years and who have finally, after four years of civil war, come to their aid.

    “We reached the point where the Americans and the Saudis were against us, as well as the rebels, so we asked for help to bring an end to this war,” said Munzer Abdullah, a civil servant, in Jebleh. “Our army and our high command are tired so we need help from the Russians to get rid of our enemies.”

    The war has not yet come to Tartus and Latakia, but the region’s young men have gone to the war. The village of El Naguib, in the hills above Tartus, has lost 147 soldiers, while 52 have been seriously wounded. One evening last week families of the martyrs, as the dead are known, gathered to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives for the causes of nation and leader. All are loyal but some feel they have been asked for too much.

    Zaina Tayan, who estimated her age at about 70, begged visiting journalists for help, saying that two of her sons had been killed. “Less than three months later, they took my last boy for the army. Can you get them to discharge him ?” she wept. “We are all serving the country and the president but I would like my son back.”

    In July, Assad admitted that the army was suffering “a shortfall in human capacity”. The military has lifted the ban on drafting men from families that have lost a son. Many of the young men fleeing Syria for Europe are escaping military service. Tours of duty are frequently extended.

    “I was already at the end of my service but they didn’t discharge me,” said 25-year-old Khalil Fahim Yusuf, still in uniform and nursing his arm in a sling. “I was hit in the face by an explosion, but after I recovered they sent me back to my unit. Then I was wounded in the hand so they eventually sent me back to my village.” Finally discharged, he now receives 45% of his military salary.

    The Russians are the heroes of the hour. People greet the few foreigners who visit with a cheerful Russian “Dobry den !” and shout out their enthusiasm for President Putin, who they believe will deliver them from terrorism. Many think the west is supporting Isis, which they call by its Arabic acronym, Daesh.

    “We can see that the Russians are determined to defeat Daesh and the terrorists, whereas by contrast the Americans and their coalition don’t seem to have the same determination,” said Safwan al-Saada, the governor of Tartus. “In the last year they said they were fighting terrorism, but Daesh grew stronger, not weaker, so we can say their coalition is not serious.”

    The Russian air campaign could dislodge the rebels around Hama and Homs who had begun to threaten the coastal belt. But the problem will be taking and holding territory. Syrian ground troops are boosted by al-Quds forces from Iran and Hezbollah from Lebanon, but Saudi Arabia has pledged to send more equipment to their opponents, increasing the chances of a widening and ever bloodier war.

    In Latakia and Tartus, shielded from the reality of a conflict that has torn Syria apart, people have little idea of the hatred for Assad felt by those who live under the indiscriminate barrel bombs that the regime drops on rebel-held areas of Damascus, Idlib and Aleppo.

    Craning their necks to see the fighter jets streaking overhead, they dare to hope against all evidence that the Russian air campaign marks the beginning of the end of the war.

    Lindsey Hilsum is international editor for Channel 4 News

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