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Coronavirus - Efficacité de l’ivermectine dans la ville de Mexico (PDF)

jeudi 29 juillet 2021, par anonyme (Date de rédaction antérieure : 29 juillet 2021).

L’ivermectine et les risques d’hospitalisation dus au COVID-19 : preuves d’une analyse quasi expérimentale basée sur une intervention publique à Mexico.

L’étude scientifique soutient les interventions à base d’ivermectine pour atténuer les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur le système de santé.

Avec Ivermectine Sans Ivermectine
Hospitalisés 0,4% 1,21%

Ivermectin and the odds of hospitalization due to COVID-19 : evidence from a quasi-experimental analysis based on a public intervention in Mexico City

Submitted : May 04, 2021
Last edited : June 29, 2021

Authors : Jose Merino Victor Hugo Borja Oliva Lopez José Alfredo Ochoa Eduardo Clark Lila Petersen Saul Caballero

Version complète en PDF :…



To measure the effect of Mexico City’s population-level intervention –an ivermectin-based Medical Kit – – in hospitalizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.


A quasi-experimental research design with a Coarsened Exact Matching method using administrative data from hospitals and phone-call monitoring. We estimated logistic-regression models with matched observations adjusting by age, sex, COVID severity, and comorbidities. For robustness checks separated the effect of the kit from phone medical monitoring ; changed the comparison period ; and subsetted the sample by hospitalization occupancy,


We found a significant reduction in hospitalizations among patients who received the ivermectin-based medical kit ; the range of the effect is 52%- 76% depending on model specification.


The study supports ivermectin-based interventions to assuage the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health system.

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Social and Behavioral Sciences
Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
Health Policy Public Policy

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