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Gaza liste d’informations et sites de première importance

lundi 13 novembre 2023, par anonyme (Date de rédaction antérieure : 13 novembre 2023).

Une liste très complète d'informations et de sites web pour vous tenir au courant de la Palestine et de Gaza, par un citoyen américain d'origine palestinienne vivant actuellement à Bethléem où il a fondé une initiative écologique palestinienne.

A very complete list of informations and websites to keep you informed about Palestine and Gaza from a US citizen of Palestinian origin living now in Bethlehem where he founded an ecological Palestinian initiative  :

envoyé : 11 novembre 2023 à 14:16

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The Israeli government just downgraded the number of those killed in the October 7 attack to 1200 from 1400. Haaretz Newspaper was able to name less than 980 (some yet to be identified), including soldiers. George Galloway wrote: "The foul allegations of rape have been dropped by the Israeli government. The forty beheaded babies has been downscaled to one dead baby, not beheaded, and killed by persons unknown."

Does the truth of what happened on October 7 matter?

Yes it does because it is used to justify an ongoing genocide (o fcourse nothing justifies genocide even exagerrated and fabricated stories). But why do many western leaders and western media parrot Israeli lies and not just about 7 October but for the past 75 years of committing atrocities against a largely defenseless Palestinian population?


The links below are a glimpse of the overwhelming body of evidence about Israeli/Zionist lies. You be the judge. In the end I will say why this is important if not CRITICAL to achieve peace.

The Zionist movement literally threw Palestinians into the sea (loading boats in Haifa and Jaffa) in 1948 to sent them to Lebanon and Gaza, Only AFTER this ethnic cleansing, they came up with the lie that Palestinians were going to throw Jews into the sea (see From these early lies sprung many others over the past 75 years. A book should be written about this as it is the most remarkable set of orchestrated lies in the history of global colonization. Here are information and links from about lies and then I add a comment on why these lies will contribute to the end of the Israeli apartheid regime. Since western media puppets always start with the events of October 7, ignore history, ignore lies, and ignore preplanned and
executed genocide, we can start with 7 October.lies about Hamas atrocities
(beheading 40 babies, raping women, burning people alive etc.) :

see also Why is Israel trying to HIDE this hostage interview?

Fake AI generated photo of burned baby

Israeli forces shot at their own civilians
also look up Hannibal doctrine.

There were false flag operations like the Lavon Affair, or the bombing of Jewish community centers in Iraq to blame it on locals and scare Iraqi Jews to leave their country. Hasbara (propaganda) is a very common Zionist tactic to advance their project of colonization. During the October 2023 incidents Israeli leaders lied about Hamas killing and beheading babies, about Israeli soldiers killing Israeli citizens, or even about wanting peace and set the stage for ongoing genocide.

The Lavon Affair: Israel andTerror in Egypt

Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew (about Israel's false flag operationstargeting Jews to drive them out of Iraq

Israel killed an American citizen and lied about it UN report on the shelling of a UN Compound that killed civilians in
Qana massacre 1996 contradicts Israeli lies

The current prime Minister Netanyahu is well known for lying to foreigners. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz (7/15/01) reported that: " his audience (Likud leaders) a bit of advice on how to deal with foreign interviewers (Benjamin Netanyahu said): 'Always, irrespective of whether you're right or not, you must always present your side as right'". In private and thinking he is not taped, he gives a more candid assessment of where he stands:

Israel's history of lies
Israel lies to manufacture a case for genocide

Taking responsibility and then lying

Israel lied when it said an errant Islamic Jihad rocket fell in Al-Ahli hospital courtyard killing 471 civilians:

Israeli history of attacking medical facilities

Hospital warned two and four days before it was targeted

UN says Israel intentionally and recklessly killed Journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh (a US Ctizen)

Killing Aljazeera Correspondent’s Family Days After Blinken Demands the Channel’s Coverage be ‘Toned Down’

(Dozens of journalists were killed in 1 month in Gaza. Why targetjournalists and not allow others into Gaza if you have nothing to hide)

The self-declared “I am zionist” US president Biden questioned the number of people killed in Gaza as documented by the Ministry of Health so in response, the ministry released the data with names, ages, and ID card numbers (Biden has no shame to dehumanize Palestnians and start to lie on behalf of his pimps. The list released did not include the names of the reported missing who are likely mostly dead under the rubble.

You can find the list of names here but this grows daily by


Now I did not expect everyone to look through the above in detail becauseof its length. But it is actually a tiny glimpse of a 75 year history of lies and myths that are used by a movement that never had any moral or logical justification for its existence. Zionists lie because they have to justify stealing land from indigenous people and to transform a multi-ethnic multi-cultural and multi-religious society to a Jewish state with countless laws that discriminate against the remaining Palestinians kept in Ghettos/concentration camps. Truth matters because lies and myths justify colonization, ethnic cleansing, and now accelerated genocide (2.3 million without food or water or medicins while their hospitals are taken out of service). As the lies are exposed Zionists resort to their last card: weaponizing "anti-Semitism" but even this trick is not working as opposition to the apartheid colonial regime comes from every quarter including hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world.

Here is Dan Lieberman explaining how Israel is using the last card it has to defend the indefensible genocide: and see this onweaponization of anti-Semitism

Israel's Military Rabbi Amichai Friedman: "This is the happiest month of my life... We're finally realizing who we are. All of this land is ours. The entire land, including Gaza & Lebanon... We will destroy everyone" he said to cheering Israeli soldiers :

This and other genocidal statements listed at plus the history of lies to sugar coat genocide (of which a glimpse is above) should shed any remaining doubt about why we must utilize all possible tools of resistance (especially truth telling, boycotts, divestments, sanctions) to
end the nightmare.
If Martin Luther King was alive etoday, would he have made a similar speech about the US support of the genocide in Palestine to the speech a he made about Vietnam? Read his speech and judge for yourself :

But if not convinced, here is more about MLK Jr including his letter aboutIsrael's aggression

Get a glimpse of Gaza that is now subject to genocide. Note that the
photographer interviewed is a Christian Marwant Tarazi who was killed with
his wife, a child, and many chistians when Israel bombed of the church
compound hey were sheltering in :

A letter from a person who chose to stay in Gaza city despite the illegal and immoral order for ethnic cleansing of North Gaza

Remarks at media briefing by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk following visit to Rafah, Egypt. Statement:


Democrats are feeling the pressure of public sentiment in the US for ceasefire (will Biden sac his Zionist secretary of state and replace his his Zionist VP and change course oensure a second term or will it be the orange monster Trump again?). Will the US and Israel implode anyway?

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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